03 May 2013

Creme de la Mer (Miracles Do Come True, You Know) (posted on 15/05/2012)

I am a lover of all things amazing and lux. So naturally I had to write about my newest discovery. 
This is EXACTLY what it proclaims to be: a miracle.
Normally, when I hear ad slogans, my journalistic skepticism begins knowing that those texts/messages are simply to lure, entice and eventually to elicit sales. 
I shop because I love "it", not because the marketing team did a good job. Though I admit that having a well-rounded product, it is necessary to position the brand well.
This premium cream by Creme de la Mer is fab-u-lous.
Every penny is so worth it. Invest in yourself, chicette.
Where there's sea inside, you expect nothing but the best anyway.

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