02 May 2013

Own It a la The Manrepeller! (posted on 20/04/2012)

Style - you either have it or you don't. It's that simple. While Leandra Medine, aka The Manreller, seen above  might not exhibit the most chic combos, she has got it, that little something which makes you stop and stare and think "Wow". Take her colour and fabric combinations, her -at times- crazy hair/makeup and especially her body language, which shout loud and clear: "I love life, love myself and am so going to have a good time." This attitude is about the here and now, the present moment, not the possibly better tomorrow or the nostalgic thoughts of happier yesterdays. 
At the end of the day confidence, spirit and charisma will be memorable, not the chicest outfit encircling an empty shell.
So to all of y'all: "Own Yourselves". 

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