18 January 2015

Chic Beauty Tutorial - Lisa Eldridge - Korean 'Beauty Trend' Inspired Makeup Tutorial

Those people that know me may have observed that I am not only luxury obsessed but have also become beauty video obsessed.
Though I must admit I have noticed a trend toward the expected which is starting to bore me; I can get bored quickly.
So when I saw this a few days ago I thought 'hello sunshine'. Finally, a video and makeup artist who is keen to show something new, fresh and out-of-the ordinary.
Though Lisa stresses that what she presents is different to Western standards, I find -and I am sure you do too- that the final result is fabulous and oh so beautiful and could/should give Western standards a run for their money.
I am big on change and the importance of embracing the same as it has the potential of allowing one to develop and rise to heights one did not know one could reach.
So check out this fab video by Lisa and try something new. You will be surprised how incredible you will end up looking as well as feel utterly and surprisingly wonderful.
Isn't that how we want to feel anyway?

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