It is not easy to compose a palette consisting of various patterns, colours and textures.
Take a look at the above: on first glance all seems rather cluttered, busy, 'too much really'. But then as you analyse said composition like an art work you realise it is fraught with depth.
Certainly, this assignment is not an everyman's but rather the request of a connoiseur of complexity, surely a difficult person but then tell me anyone whose tastes are impeccable who was known to be 'easy'. Difficult here simply means 'particular', with specifications different to the everyman who does not care (as much) but rather leaves things as they are. A connoisseur on the other hand arranges and places things, objects, works of art just 'so'.
Having consulted on a multitude of assignments prior, I have come to be known for my stipulation and utmost adherence to 'symmetry'. I like to speak fondly of my study of the Greek philosopher Aristotle whose main iteration was the golden mean (=symmetry), which is literally the golden standard of all things considered beautiful.
"In order to achieve beauty, perfection even, one must start with symmetry."
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