21 July 2016

Victoria Beckham's Sunny Yellow Disposition

In the business/corporate world I (almost) always get asked why I wear yellow, bright yellow that is, not neon because that belongs in a night club and not on someone that wants to be taken seriously.
Even so, especially in business, people shy away from colours, yellow seeming to be the brightest simply because it shines the most.
My answer is always the same, 'it puts me as well as you in a great mood'. I usually throw on a fabulously tailored yellow blazer over a black smart dress. Note the blazer comes with a golden button which emphasises the brightness of the blazer just so.
Let's face it, yellow is not a colour for the shy, the nervous, the careful, or the fashion-fearing. For the rest of us that tread happily within the wonderfully enabling waters of fashion, we know the powers of fabric, of design and how those can transform, perform, and ultimately change a silently fabulous self into a self that proclaims fabulousness before it has even uttered one.single.word.
I think in even the most conservative/traditional environments a pop of colour does everyone (the wearer as well as the beholders) some good.
Yellow, I like to say, is the Vitamin C in my fashion diet.

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