07 May 2013

Victoria Beckhams Chic Non-Chic (posted on 24/06/2012)

I found this Victoria Beckham basket-weave cotton-blend dress on www.net-a-porter.com
By quickly glancing at it, one might think, oh what a lovely cut and color, so fresh and clean for spring.
On a closer look, particularly drawing your attention to the straps, you will quickly notice that they resemble those cheap suitcase straps lonely, newly travelling selves use in order to make sure their many possessions do not fall out of the suitcase in case it bounces in the large trunk of the airplane. Please forgive me, dear chicette, I have not fact-checked with every such a traveler as to the particular reasons he/she peruses such an utensil. From observations while being extremely bored and impatiently waiting for my own luggage, I have gathered that most of those straps are used on cheap luggage that is usually overfilled and which could or rather should at any point burst. In this case the strap comes in to give the owner a little bit of confidence and peace of mind -if that is possible- hoping the inevitable -the suitcase spilling- will not happen.
My mind is clearly a creative machine and thus the moment my eyes set sight on this VB dress above and especially after I saw variations of this same style in different colors but which were all finished with the said straps - they look just as hideous from the back as they look from the front-, I immediately drew connections to my many travelling moments that have become stuck in mind such as when the inevitable happens and the said strap or straps could not do their fateful duty and hold the mass together. You just do not forget stuff like that. 
So I believe it was probably an attempt at designing simpler and cheaper and clearly the pockets that have been added clumsily on the lower hip/upper thigh are another statement to odd design.
From a non-trained designer, one can simply not expect to consistently deliver excellent design.
Though a lot of VB's design is cute, beautiful and surely well-made.
Lastly, luxury, chic and style is all about comfort and not about being and looking cheap.
Those said straps are not only painful to behold but also certainly rubbing the wrong way a delicate woman's shoulder blade.
Stay away.

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