02 May 2013

DKNY Disaster (posted on 13/05/2012)

Sometimes it is better not to try to combine Yoga and Evening-wear in one as demonstrated on the dress/two piece above. It is by Donna Karan New York and looks quite frankly disastrous. I know that Donna is seriously inspired by all things ZEN, which is almost too visible in this concoction. The idea to use cotton with silk satin is not a bad one as such, but considering the result above, it is a shame to have wasted so much lovely fabric.
The top is cute and simple reminding me of basic tops from H&M, which is the destination for good quality staples that are not too pricey. The top could be a body(suit) as the skirt seems to be a wrap-around design and the top seems very bodycon at waist level. Now to the skirt: my instant feeling is "painful". I would highly not recommend this to anyone. Reason being that the hem seems weird in its uneven shape, which could have been forgivable if it had been in a neutral color all around but as it is in a strange mix-color state that reminds me more of the circus than a glamorous woman, I would say 'do not go there', dear chicette. There are so many reasons for not donning this skirt such as the length of it that makes it rather old. Further, the three different colors are arranged thus as to hint at the possibility that someone amateurish had sown this by cutting different colors of the same fabric into squares and then sown them back together. Not good. 
Overall, I think, dear lovely Donna had a bit of silk satin left over and thus this skirt was born.

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