19 March 2016

A Meaningful Thank-You Note - Kim Kardashian To Emily Ratajkowski - Woman Emancipate Yourself from Emancipation!

Powerful message: "Now, woman is confronted with the necessity of emancipating herself from emancipation, if she really desires to be free."
These are the kinds of messages that go beyond all superficiality. As it is true what is being proposed, now, we women need to do more than simply be woman, but we need to step on life's stage and "undress" to take back power that man has ripped from us; we need to show us as as we truly are not how man (the powerful/moneyed man) wants us to be seen as accessory/decoration/voiceless/dump/weak/teary. We stepped up/step in and speak up for our own freedom so it may not be distorted by media/man/the other.
Only we, women, can do this, no one else.
The POWER lies in YOU!

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