30 July 2016

Chic Living and Chic Homes - Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles - Parker and McKenzie Blanchard's Gorgeous Home

Let me digress for an absolute mini second: I recently read a short review by Annabel Rivkin who writes (among others) for the Evening Standard's Magazine, which one can pick up on Fridays in London. In the most recent edition (29.07.16) I stumbled across said review in which she also digresses but then reverts back to the item to be reviewed, namely The WET brush. You wonder why I am mentioning this when showing photographs of a beautiful home in Atlanta? It will come, trust me. I like to connect things that may seem on a superficial glance completely and utterly unrelated.
So as I was reading the review I was yet again delighted to savour her choice of words. She is a brilliant writer knowing how to bring spice to a really very short piece and to bring alive e.g. a hair brush.
When I read 'my low tolerance for unhurried flaneurism', I was so engaged in this trivial seeming piece that I went back to the beginning and the read the review again feeling I may have missed a 'word'. I didn't care about the brush starting out but then having read her review I began thinking about it, how she had yet again managed to draw me in.
And here is the connection, as when I initially was shown the above photographs being asked if they could be used as inspiration for a project I rejected as it didn't not feel new and substantial enough but when I gave it another 'try' I got 'caught' by the photograph displaying the bike and the zebra rug. There was something there that caught my eye, my imagination and was drawing me in.
I began studying the composition of this trivial seeming photograph and saw how the door is ever so slightly not close but kept ajar....
Connections we draw from seemingly meaningless objects/visuals are what make life interesting.
And I wanted to share said photographs as I feel the house has got something quite special - find out for yourself.

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