28 July 2016

Pokemon Go - Rita Ora, Apple, Nintendo, Niantic - Intricacies of Success

I am fascinated by success phenomena. So to those that have not been on the Pokemon Go band waggon, which started in the beginning on July, where have you been? Apparently, the Pokemon Go App generated more downloads in its first week than any other app in the history of the US Apple App Store". Boom!
I have to admit I was clearly not awake myself! As I only started learning about it when reading out its immense success in such a short period of time.
And may I had it is not solely Nintendo reaping the benefits here (only a humble 10%, further 30% to Niantic (the app creator), 30% to Pokemon Company and 30% to Apple). That is approximately $3 billion for Apple in the next two years! Hello sunshine!
All of a sudden it makes sense why fashion forward folk such as Rita Ora goes a la Pikachu.
Further looking into the intricacies of why this app is being so successful I found that it simply locks into people's nostalgic feelings of when being young as its original series was aired (1st around 1998). 
I personally have never watched Pokemon when I was in my teens so cannot connect on this point but it certainly makes sense: why not escape realism and jump back and imagine a time of playfulness, innocence and dream.

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